CampusCare® School Management ERP Software

Connects Parents, Teachers, Principals & Students On Single Platform.

What is School ERP Software?

A school ERP software is a set of programs, specially designed to manage all the administrative tasks of a school in an effective manner. Also known as school management ERP software, school ERP software handles all those tedious tasks which earlier had to be taken care of by a specific person with the use of pen and paper.

School ERP software acts as a central dashboard where all the stakeholders- principals, management, teachers, and parents can access any important information, anytime. With this software, teachers can spend more time on teaching and student progress, parents can stay updated with their ward’s performance, the management can easily manage all the intricate and time-taking administrative tasks, and principals can monitor and manage every single action being performed inside and out of the school premises.


We keep adding values to our clients by updating regularly with advanced technology, building relationship by constructing trust and confidence. We keep improving the creativity of our clients and staff.

administrative Administrative Area

This area is a powerful central database area that seamlessly knits together all modules on the CampusCare® school records management system. It is designed to be powerful and its flexibility enables administrators to customize what information they track and manage for student and staff. Save your staff hours on time-consuming data entry and student record keeping.

administrative Academic Area

This is effective and efficient area that provides you admission system, specify your fee system and auto-generation/reconciliation of fee reports, examination system to analyse the performance of students, the affordable school library module to manage your library simpler ever before, route assigning and maintaining school buses becomes a very simple task by using transport module.

Communication Area Communication Area

This communication area plays a vital role in a student-school-parent relationship. Deployed in many reputed schools in India, CampusCare® school communication portals are safe and personalised spaces built for principals, teachers, parents and school management to find everything they need. They help declutter the desks as well as the school website. By driving parents to the CampusCare® communication portals, other sections of the school website can focus on engaging prospective parents, potential students, alumni, among others.

Communication Area Financial Area

This area deal with the complexities of fund accounting and financial reporting. This suits for a particular school or group of schools. Has everything a school needs to operate efficiently, including financial report, trial balance, ledgers, balance sheet and all general accounting features.



Online Registration

This module enables a student to be registered on a school database along with all the necessary details such as Aadhar cards, Date of Birth Certificate, Parents detail etc. This enables a school to allow admission from any corner of the world. A parent can fill out the necessary details of the child and automatically a form will be submitted to school admin, who can then sort out the selection of the student accordingly. Read More

  • Time-Saving

    Time-Saving - Registration of a new student in any school is a time-consuming process as it requires the allotment of the dedicated resource from school. This tedious process is taken care by CampusCare® through an automated process.

  • Global Access

    Global Access - Usually talent in school is restricted to a local or a subsidiary area, however, Entab's online school management software helps a school to overcome this situation because a school can accept registration from any corner of the world.

  • Eco - friendly

    Eco - friendly - CampusCare® helps a school go green since thousands of bundles of paper don't go to waste by automating the entire process. The parents do not have to visit schools repeatedly and saving fuel, saving their productive time, increasing the efficiency of all stake holders and protecting the nature from environment pollution. When productivity increases , our nation moves forward in goods and taxes.

  • analysis

    Analytics - We provide various analytics to make the data more descriptive, also ‘new knowledge’ from the data to authorities for improving the quality and quantity of registrations.


Student Information System

This is one of the most important modules in CampusCare® which acts as a brain for the entire School ERP nervous system. All the modules are interlinked with the student information system which enables a school to fetch any type of information with just one click. Any report such as fees due, attendance, etc. can be generated with the help of the student information system by just one click in our school management software.

Benefits of Student Information System

  • Hassle Free Information

    Hassle Free Information - CampusCare® enables a school to generate various types of the report regarding a student in just one click. A school no longer has to search for different records since every information regarding a student is reflected in this module in our school ERP software.

  • Session Wise Division

    Session Wise Division - Every student's information can be viewed session wise which is maintained on our servers. Now, a school doesn't have to maintain a dedicated record room for any student since all that is taken care by our school management software.


School Fee Management

It helps a school in collecting fees through an online process and helps in maintaining a proper database of each and every transaction. Regular notifications are sent to parents in terms of due fees, late payment, etc. in our school management software. This module is directly integrated with financial accounting which enables a school to keep a vigilant track of its funds. Also, this enables a school to accept school fees through an online medium which is directly transferred to its bank account.

Benefits of School Fee Management

  • Online Payment

    Online Payment: A person can deposit the fees through an online portal and no longer need to visit the school physically.

  • No Late Fees

    No Late Fees: Our school management software prevents the chance of late fee and thus, prevents you from any penalties which may be levied on.

  • Check Defaulters

    Check Defaulters of Unpaid School Fees: Our school software enables a school manager and a principal to check for any defaulters who have not paid any school fees.

  • Reconciliation

    Reconciliation: CampusCare® online school ERP software enables a school admin to check for payments which have been received and which are yet to be received. In other words, it enables a school to reconcile the revenue generated in an academic year whether it is on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis.


School Exam & Result Management

As the name suggests, our exam & result module enables a school to generate beautiful report cards by just clicking a single button. These report cards are generated in accordance with the boards' guidelines. These report cards can be viewed by the parents on their mobile thus, reducing the need for an unnecessary visit to the school. Moreover, the school, teacher, principal and parent can generate a detail analysis report produced by our exclusive school management software which helps them to determine the key performance areas from those areas which need some work.

Benefits of School Exam & Result Management

  • Ease Of Use

    Ease Of Use: A school can generate beautiful report cards with just a single click.

  • Analysis

    Analysis: With the help of this module a school can perform detailed analysis of a student based on his/her past performance since the time he has joined the school and can devise a calculative strategy to understand a student's KPAs (Key Performance Areas).

  • Reliability

    Reliability: The biggest benefit of having an exam and result module of our school erp software is that a school no longer has to depend on any third party vendor to print a report card thus, preventing loss of data.


School Library Management

This exclusive module of our school management software helps in effectively manage thousands of books, videos, textbooks, newspapers, magazines, school album, etc. in a library through an automated process. We follow ISBN criteria which is accordance with the global standards thus, now a school doesn't have to worry about the location of a particular book.

Benefits of School Library Management

  • Availability

    Availability: A parent, school, teachers, student, etc. can easily go through the database and check whether a particular book is available or not by just mentioning either the name of the book or the author's name.

  • No Delay

    No Delay: Our school library software helps a school to prevent any unnecessary delay while issuing a book.


School Staff Information Management

Easy to use a module, helps in storing all the available details of any staff member of the school. It can be easily accessed by a person who has the authority to view the files.

Benefits of School Staff Information Management

  • Up to date

    Up to date: Our online school ERP software enables a school to vigilantly maintain updated records of school staff.

  • Online Access

    Online Access: The school database can be accessed from anywhere by a person who has the authority.

  • Security

    Security: Our excellent servers provide excellent security to any database provided by the school.


School Staff Payroll Management

This module helps in maintaining the salary of non-teaching as well as teaching staff of the school. Further, our school management software helps in generating accurate income tax reports (FORM 16) for tax filing purposes. Also, it provides ECR report which helps in maintaining accurate data for the amount transferred in the provident fund which can be uploaded on the EPFO website.

Benefits of School Staff Payroll Management

  • Easy Handling

    Easy Handling: Salary Reports can be generated by a single click.

  • Accurate Maintenance

    Accurate Maintenance: Data is maintained accurately

  • Ease of Access/Portability

    Ease of Access/Portability: Data can be accessed on the go.

Online Registration

School Financial Accounting

Our cloud-based school ERP software helps in maintaining all the finances of the school effortlessly. Being one of the best school management software in India, we have been blessed to work with financial experts and schools to provide one of the best financial solutions designed for the schools.

Benefits of School Financial Accounting

  • Transparency

    Transparency: Our school management software is a complete transparent solution since income and expenditure are accounted automatically thus, leaving no room for any manipulation.

  • Accuracy

    Accuracy: CampusCare® school ERP solution is absolutely accurate since everything is taken care of through an automatic process.

Online Registration

School Inventory Management

Never lose track of your inventory with our school management software. Our recognized school ERP helps to maintain a record for each and every item that is present in the school. It helps keep track of item and the best part is it can be accessed from anywhere as long as you have the permission to do so.

Benefits of School Inventory Management

  • Accountability

    Accountability: Since every item is accounted for our inventory management module leave no room for error/misplacement.

  • Organized

    Organized: Every item is compiled in a systematic manner and can be viewed easily by a person who has the authority to do so.

Online Registration

School Bus Transport & GPS

Our school management software enables a school to track the movement of students by installing a transport module. They can now accurately track the live position which helps them to provide added security and safety for the students. It also allows a school to send live updates parents on their mobile which can help them in tracking their child.

Benefits of School Bus Transport & GPS

  • Accurate

    Accurate: Our school ERP software helps to accurately track students/child/wards in school.

Online Registration

School Attendance Management

Our cloud-based school management system enables a school to digitally store and take attendance. Also, a parent is immediately notified if the child is absent from the school. Moreover, a parent can apply for a leave for their child without any hassle. In other words, our reputed school management software enables a school to automatically notify the parent when the child does not attend the school.

Benefits of School Attendance Management

  • Safety & Security

    Safety & Security: A parent, as well as school, doesn't have to worry about the immediate whereabouts of the student. From the first entry inside the school, an immediate notification would be sent to the child's parent.

  • Organized Record

    Organized Record: A systematic and organized data log is maintained by our school management software which can be accessed by principal, teacher and parents.

Benefits of School Management ERP Portal

Principal Portal

Principal Portal

Communication creates acceptance!!

School ERP Software helps to manage and brings people on the same page through its portals and apps.

It is important to bring in innovation and speed in our daily operations, analysis, decision making, and action plans. These could be done well, when we are supported with right data. Data will not cheat, data gives you clarity. “Data is the new oil” – Says Honb’le Prime Minister Narendra Modi, So we need to build data and believe on data for future growth. Handy data in an organised manner helps us to lead from the front. This apps enable you to do the same to see the attendance data, students data, exam data, fee data and so on…

The people associated with us, will be always rating us, we shall be rated high by showing right examples of growth!! Clean data from a software, opens enormous opportunity. This app also makes the life easy to connect, communicate with all stake holders, build rapport and reputation for the school.

Management Portal

Management Portal

School ERP Software helps to build and grow our organisation while handing the operational activities. Delegating to machines or technology, is 100% trustworthy since machines do not have humane problems.

As we all know the job of the management is to RUN – BUILD – GROW the school. These three activities to be carried out with all resources. The predictable activities of the school should be automated and monitored through an app – wherever the person is, either travelling or in office or at home, they can easily monitor the parameters that are of the interest of authorities and help the team to work based on the new decisions.

Various analytics and analysis helps the management to understand the support needs and necessities in the school. They can zoom in and help the resources to overcome the situation.

Teacher Portal

Teacher Portal

To build champions for life!!

The teacher portal lets teachers to know the facts and figure updated every moment through the ERP. Communication is seamlessly integrated, making the life become simple. A teacher can use the portal to mark attendance, enter subject-wise test scores, follow the lesson plans and maintain mark sheets. Its library management tool allows the faculty to search and reserve books. Infact teachers can handle their daily works by few strikes of keys to feed the data, communicate with parents and students, communicate with principal and peers etc. These tools make the life easy and increases the speed of communication and 100% secured. Where by teachers can focus on their core area -EDUCATE.

Most features of the teacher portal are available on the Entab’s mobile apps (compatible with both Android and iOS platforms).

Entab School ERP Software

Parent Portal

Ward’s education made simple.

Designed to work with our online school ERP, the Entab’s parent portal centralises all the school-parent interaction and serves as a single point of reference for parents. It enables parents to monitor their child’s everyday activities and keep up with schools as well as teachers. It comes with features such as school event tracking, student attendance module, assignment status & submission, disciplinary remarks, parent diary, fee management, examination & result, among others.

Parents can log in with their user id to view the academic calendar and send messages to teachers and the principal anytime regarding any concerns. Along with filing leaves online, they can see the class time table and timely report cards of their ward and track their progress.

Integrated with school ERP software, the portal maintains a complete profile of each student. It facilitates parents to pay school fee online. The best feature is that it accepts payment via debit/credit card and net banking. The parent communication portal is linked with the school management app for parents which notifies parents for any due fee and previous fee deposit details.

Parents can search for books in the library as well as check the status of the library transaction. Using the parent portal, they can reserve the books for their wards. Our parent communication saves parents time by providing all information on a single platform.

Benefits of CAMPUSCARE® School Management ERP Software.

Schools using CampusCare (an evolved ERP) Improve their efficiency by 42%.

Matured and Futuristic Solution that driving many good schools.

Technology Increases the speed and allow us to embrace Growth. It increases various profits in terms of money, manhour, time, new ideas.

Direct benefits from CampusCare ERP.

FAQ's Related to School Management ERP Software